
What is Manifestation?

The type of manifestation that I'm referring to on this page is the ability to make changes in your life by using your thoughts and intention. It is also called the "Law of Attraction".

Manifestation first hit the mainstream with the introduction of the book, The Secret in 2006. Manifestation is promoted by Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra among many others although the scientific community regards it as pseudoscience. My belief is that it's only a matter of time before quantum physics provides the scientific proof needed for manifestation to be accepted by the scientific community.

My own personal experience with manifestation started when I read the book in 2006. I've been using manifestation in my life ever since and I've proven to myself that it truly does work and we have the ability to change our lives through the power of our own thoughts and intentions. Although, I feel like it's hard for anyone to believe until you've been able to prove it to yourself through changes in your own life.

My Proof

In 2006, I started nursing school just after my daughter was born. I realized quickly that nursing was not my passion, but I was 21 years old and had a new baby to care for, so I knew that I had to finish school. Reading The Secret gave me the idea to dream and dream big. I started to ask myself, what I really wanted in this world without considering if it was realistic or not. I've always loved to travel, so I decided that I wanted a job where I could travel (specifically to Europe) and bring my family along. Being a new mother, I did not want to leave my daughter behind to travel. I wrote down what I wanted and created a vision board. I had my sights set on Europe and had a picture of a castle up on my vision board. I set my intention and believed that it would happen for me. And then it did! Just before I graduated nursing school, I found a job post online for a job similar to the job I held at the time, but it consulting in the UK. That was the first time that I felt the feeling of my manifestations falling into place. Although some would tell me to not get my hopes up, I knew I would get the job.

I applied for the job and got an interview. After speaking to the recruiter, it was better than I could have even imagined. They were going to pay me to sell my house and move to the UK. It was double by current salary and they provided a cost of living adjustment. They would pay for my family to move to the UK with me and pay for our loft apartment. They even covered the cost of weekly cleaning. This job would allow me to explore Europe while continuing to be able to provide stability for my daughter.

I got the job and we moved to the UK. I got to explore Europe, see real Castles that I had only been able to see in photographs and more importantly...I now knew that manifestation worked. I've continued to use manifestation in my daily life ever since.

My manifestation tips

  • Stay positive & Be Grateful

    • It's important to stay positive. If you aren't doing anything else, staying positive and believing that things will always work out and good things always happen to you is the best step you can take.

    • Identifying the things in your life to be grateful for is one of the best ways to attract more reasons to be grateful.

  • Write it down

    • This is has been my primary method of manifestation since I started. I always have a gratitude journal where I start by writing down all the things I'm grateful for in my life and finish with my manifestations. I start my manifestations with "I'm so happy and grateful now that...". I always write them in the present as if I already have them.

    • Don't make this a chore, if you want to write then write. If you aren't feeling it, then skip it. You should always be happy and positive when writing your manifestations. You have to be in the right state of mind for it to be effective.

  • Vision Board

    • I create a vision board every year around the first of year. I cut out photos and make drawings of things I want to attract or manifest in my life. I hang it my office so I can see it all year.

  • Bumper stickers/Reminders

    • One of the tools that I've used is a "bumber sticker" or reminder. This is something small that you can place in your home or path to remind you stay in the right mindset when you see it. I can be a sticky note above your bed or a coin in your pocket.

  • Visualize

    • Visualizing is one of the best ways to train your brain to believe you already have what you are manifesting. If you are dreaming of a new house, picture yourself pulling into the garage, walking through the front door and seeing your things inside. Feel the feelings of having that house.

  • Act as if / Believe it to be true

    • It's important to keep your actions aligned to your manifestations. You must act as if or believe that it's true. "You know it's on it's way, it's coming"

Manifestation and Biocentric Universe

As a nurse, I believe in science and I've been looking for a way to scientifically explain why manifestation works.

Robert Lanza has proposed the idea of Biocentrism as it relates to the Universe and it makes a lot of sense to me. It aligns with things I know to be true in my own life. His theory explains that life and biology are central pieces to being, reality and the cosmos. One very compelling piece of evidence is found quantum physics, the behavior of subatomic particles is inextricably linked to the presences of the observer. Absent a conscious observer, they at best exist in an undetermined state of probability waves.
